Vapes for sale have come a long way over the past decade or so.  Portable vapes under $100 has become a huge selection in recent times and we have the largest selection of them anywhere.  With major brands like Yocan vaporizers for sale, Wulf Mods, Kandypens vapes, Exxus, Puffco vapes, and Sutra, vapes for sale under $100 are now plentiful.

portable vape pens under $100

Whether you want to vape dry herbs, or oil or even solids is the first question to answer.  Secondly, figure out how much you want to spend.  Obviously, the options increase as does the quality as the amount available for your next vape purchase increases.

Do you want a pen vape? or are you looking for something that is larger and more of a table top Volcano vaporizer?  Forced air vapes are available for table top units that use bags to fill with pure, tasty vapor.  Other types require the user to inhale to “pull” the air thru the vaping material which in turn creates vapor.  Check out our full selection of cheap vapes under $100.

Pen style vapes

A Pen style vaporizer looks very similar to just that, a pen vape for sale.  A portable and handheld device, these were first used for e liquids for electronic cigarette users.  Over time, pen style vaping products have progressed to be able to vape things oil, concentrate (wax vape) and some even ground up flower.  Oil vaporizers are typically pen sized as well.

Portable Vapes under $100

There is no doubt that pen vaping products give us the most portable, discreet and handheld option when vaping.  These types of vaporizers are available in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, colors and pricing.   Lastly, some offer unlimited functionality depending on the application.  Using a pen style vape for sale allows you to enjoy your product discreetly, on the go, or in the privacy of your own home.  Everything you can imagine and  beyond is available at the best online vape shop.

Desktop Vapes

Definitely more robust, larger, and difficult to transport, these are the “I am home and wanna chill” vaping options.  Brands like Volcano Vape originally were the only desk top forced air vaporizer on the market, but over time like anything else, healthy competition added quite a few brands and products to the best desktop vape category.

Electric Dab Rigs for sale under $100

Explore a full selection of Electric Dab Rigs for sale, including a full selection of top of the line portable dab rigse-nail for sale and cheap dab rigs for sale.  With the best prices on all dab related electronics on the market we’ve got all of your dab needs covered.

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